You’ll discover more about yourself and the gifts and talents you have to offer in ministry as you grow closer to God. We believe God places men and women in ministry leadership roles that are unique to them.
The church combines a series of processes to ensure that all applicants find their calling. Below you will discover step-by-step instructions as well as the forms you will need to complete. As you go through the process, we pray for God’s blessings on you.
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week for six (6) months. The District Board may make exceptions to this requirement. Teaching Sunday school classes or leading services does not meet the requirement.
Licensing applicants must complete required training provided through Ministry Central.
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must fulfill the following reading requirements. The required reading list in no way completes your ministerial education but is merely foundational to your own thorough, rigorous, and ongoing study program.
Purchase books from Pentecostal Publishing House.
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must have preached an average of one (1) sermon each week for twelve (12) months. Exceptions to this requirement may be made by the District Board. Teaching Sunday school classes or leading services does not meet the requirement.
Licensing applicants must complete required training provided through Ministry Central.
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must fulfill the following reading requirements. The required reading list in no way completes your ministerial education but is merely foundational to your own thorough, rigorous, and ongoing study program.
Purchase books from Pentecostal Publishing House.
Licensing applicants must complete required training provided through Ministry Central.
Before appearing before the District Board, each applicant must fulfill the following reading requirements. The required reading list in no way completes your ministerial education but is merely foundational to your own thorough, rigorous, and ongoing study program.
Purchase books from Pentecostal Publishing House.